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Your Guide to Anti-Aging, Nutrition and Wellness
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Recommended Doctors->Antiaging/Wellness and BHRT
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Antiaging/Wellness and BHRT

All the doctors listed here practice a form of integrative medicine and they each have certain areas of specialty they focus on.  I know all the doctors below personally and I provide them with nutrition education and updates on the latest nutrition research.

Doctors that provide Bioidentical Hormonal Therapies, support anti-aging, wellness and address certain difficult to treat condition with integrative approaches

Explanation of abreviations
Whenever applicable, the doctor’s areas of specialty are specified. BHRT is an abbreviation of Bioidentical Hormonal Replacement
When  “Difficult conditions” is specified, it means that the doctor is particularly interested in treating patients that have not had success with other conventional treatments for various medical conditions and are especially looking for complementary non-drug approaches that minimize the side-effects of regular treatments. An integrative healing approach looks for underlying causes of disease that need to be corrected and it typically employ a combination of up-to-date conventional, nutritional and other innovative interventions for conditions such as, but not limited to: degenerative diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, brain conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s), asthma, infections (such as hepatitis, other vital illnesses), chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, auto-immune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, thyroiditis, gastro-intestinal problems, lupus, or any other auto-immune condition), chronic or mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

California | Washington


David Allen, MD, 310-445-6600
Anti-aging. BHRT, Difficult conditions
11860 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90025, www.DavidAllenMD.com

Koren Barrett, ND (Naturopathic doctor), 949-743-5770
BHRT, Integrative Medicine, Family Practice
1831 Orange Avenue Suite A, Costa Mesa CA 92627, www.inaturalmedicine.com

Jennifer Berman, MD, 888-849-9933
Sexual Health, Integrative Urology, BHRT,
444 North Camden Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Hyla Cass, MD, 310-459-9866 
Anti-aging, BHRT, Integrative Psychiatry
Pacific Palisades, CA90272, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, www.drcass.com

Marc Darrow, MD, JD Darrow Wellness Institute, 310-231-7000
Anti-aging, BHRT, Integrative Medicine, Musculo-Scheletal care, Prolotherapy, Sports medicine and rehabilitation
11645 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 120, Los Angeles, Ca. 90025, www.DrDarrow.com

Howard Elkin, M.D., F.A.C.C. cardiologist, (562) 945-WELL
Heartwise Fitness and Longevity center
Integrative medicine, anti-aging
8135 S. Painter Suite 204, Whittier, CA 90602, www.Heartwise.com

Michael Galitzer, MD, 800-392-2623
Anti-aging, BHRT, Integrative Medicine, Difficult conditions.
12381 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 102, Los Angeles, CA 90025, www.ahealth.com

Golden Cabinet medical Healing Center, 310-575-5611
Drew Francis, Lac, OMD (Oriental medicine doctor), Franz Glieterer, MD, MPH
Anti-aging, BHRT, Difficult conditions.
2019 Sawtelle Blvd. West Los Angeles, CA 90025, www.GoldenCabinet.com

Allen Green, MD, Center for Optimum Health, 310-445-6600
Integrative Medicine, Anti-aging, BHRT, Difficult conditions
11860 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90025, www.allengreenmd.com

Hans Gruenn, MD, Longevity Medical Center; 310-966-9194
Anti-aging, BHRT, Difficult conditions
2211 Corinth Ave # 204, Los Angeles Ca, 90064, www.drgruenn.com, www.i4sh.com

Lisa Hirsch, MD, ObGyn FACOG (Board Certified), 949-720-0511
BHRT, Integrative Gynecology/Urology, Women’s wellness, Anti-aging, Difficult conditions
360 San Miguel, Suite 308, Newport Beach, CA 92660, www.newportwomenshealthandwellness.com

Soram Khalsa, MD 310-246-4858  
Integrative medicine

436 N. Bedford Dr. #308, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, www.khalsamedical.com

Candice Lane, MD 877-496-4289
Anti-aging, BHRT
1250 La Venta Drive, Suite 206, Westlake Village, CA 91361, www.hormonehealthmd.com

LifeSpan Medicine, 310-453-2335
Christian Renna,MD, Robert Maki, N.D. Dominique Fradin-Read, MD
Integrative Medicine, Anti-aging, BHRT, Difficult conditions, Highly personalized VIP care
2811 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 610, Santa Monica, CA 90403, www.LifespanMedicine.com

Vladimir Kaye, MD, QME, (714) 871-2495,
Integrative Medicine, Anti-aging, Musculo-Skeletal healing
159 North Raymond Ave, Fullerton CA  92831 Tel:

Shiva Lalezar MD, Health and Vitality Center, 310-477-1166
Anti-aging, Integrative Medicine, BHRT, Difficult conditions,
11600 Wilshire Blvd. Suite # 120, Los Angeles, CA 90025, www.healthandvitalitycenter.com

Gary London, MD  OB/lGYN, 310-270-4500
BHRT, Anti-aging
9201 Sunset Blvd., Suite 902, West Hollywood, Ca 90069,

Alex Martin, Ergonique Spa and Anti-aging Clinic, MD 949-721-8304
Anti-aging, BHRT
359 San Miguel Dr., Suite 110, Newport Beach, CA 92660, www.ergonique.com

Rand McClain DO, 310 452 3206 or 562-906-9700
Anti-aging, BHRT, Weight-loss programs, Integrative Medicine, Sports Medicine,
2701 Ocean Park Blvd, Suite 101, Santa Monica, CA 90405, 310 452 3206
AND  15022 Mulberry Drive, Suite B, Whittier, CA 90604 , 562-906-9700,
DrRandMcclain@drRandMcclain.com   , www.FocusOnLifeQuality.com

Christine Paoletti MD, ObGyn FACOG (Board Certified), 310-319-1819
BHRT, Integrative Gynecology, Integrative Medicine, Women’s wellness, Difficult conditions,
1304 15th Street, Suite 405, Santa Monica, CA 90404, www.DrPaoletti.com

Allen Peters, MD, Nourishing Wellness Medical Center, 310-373-7830
BHRT, Wellness programs, Anti-aging, Integrative, Medicine, Difficult conditions
819 N. Harbor Dr., Suite 310, Redondo Beach, CA 90277, 310-373-7840 www.nourishingwellness.com

Uzzi Reiss, MD, ObGyn, 310-247-1300
BHRT, Integrative Gynecology, Women’s wellness, Anti-aging, Difficult conditions
414 North Camden Dr. Suite 750, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Gary Ruelas  D.O., Ph.D. 714-771-2880
Integrative Medical Institute of Orange County
BHRT, Integrative medicine, Mental health support
707 East Chapman Ave. Orange, Ca. 92866, 714-771-2880

Habib Sadeghi, DO, BeHive of healing, 310-914-4567  
Integrative, BHRT, Anti-aging, Medicine, Difficult conditions, Prolotherapy, Accupuncture
11695 National Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90064, www.BehiveofHealing.com

Joseph Sciabbarrasi, MD; 310-268-8466
BHRT, anti-aging, Integrative Medicine, Difficult conditions
2001 S. Barrington Ave. #208, Los Angeles, Ca. 90025, www.DrJosephMD.com

Allan Sosin, MD, Institute for Progressive Medicine; 949-600-5100
BHRT, Anti-aging, Integrative Medicine, Difficult conditions
4 Hughes, Suite 175, Irvine, CA 92618, www.iprogressivemed.com

Jennifer Sudarsky, MD, (accepts insurance), 310-315-9101
BHRT, Family practice, Womens wellness, Anti-aging, Difficult conditions,
3201 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 211, Santa Monica, CA 90403
e-mail:  jsudarsky@mednet.ucla.edu

Cheryl Thomas, MD, Total Wellness Medical Corp., 714-669-4700
Family practice, Integrative Medicine
195 S. C Street, Suite 100, Tustin, CA 92780, www.totalwellnessmedical.com

Karlis Ullis, MD, 310-452-1990
Anti-aging, BHRT, Integrative Medicine, Sports medicine,
2701 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 101, Santa Monica, CA 90405
www.drKarlisUllis.com, e-mail:  kullis@ucla.edu

Cynthia Watson, MD, Watson Wellness, 310-315-9101
BHRT, Women’s wellness, Anti-aging, Integrative Medicine, Difficult conditions, Family practice
3201 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 211, Santa Monica, CA 90403, www.watsonwellness.org

Rob Weiss, WH Longevity, 760-434-5559  
BHRT, Anti-aging
300 Carlsbad Blvd #220, Carlsbad CA 92008


Jonathan Wright, MD, Tacoma Clinic, (425)-264-0059
Integrative medicine, Difficult conditions
801 SW 16th St, Suite 125, Renton, WA 98057, www.tahoma-clinic.com


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The information presented on this website is in no way intended as medical advice or a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning any new program or regimen. Your physician should be aware of all medical conditions that you may have, as well as the medications and supplements you are taking.

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