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Your Guide to Anti-Aging, Nutrition and Wellness
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Recommended Doctors->Ob-Gyns offering Wellness and BHRT
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Ob-Gyns offering Wellness and BHRT

All the doctors listed here practice a form of integrative medicine and they each have certain areas of specialty they focus on.  I know all the doctors below personally and I provide them with nutrition education and updates on the latest nutrition research.

BHRT is an abbreviation of Bioidentical Hormonal Replacement


Lisa Hirsch, MD, ObGyn FACOG (Board Certified), 949-720-0511
BHRT, Integrative Gynecology/urology, Integrative Medicine, Women’s wellness, Anti-aging, Difficult conditions
360 San Miguel, Suite 308, Newport Beach, CA 92660, www.newportwomenshealthandwellness.com

Karen Kornreich, MD, ObGyn, 310-652-9347  
BHRT, Integrative Gynecology, Womens wellness,
150 N. Robertson Blvd., Suite 200, Beverly Hills CA 90211

Gary London, MD  OB/lGYN 310-270-4500
BHRT, Anti-aging
9201 Sunset Blvd., Suite 902, West Hollywood, Ca 90069, www.garylondonmd.com

Christine Paoletti MD, ObGyn FACOG (Board Certified), 310-319-1819
BHRT, Integrative Gynecology, Integrative Medicine, Women’s wellness, Difficult conditions
1304 15th Street, Suite 405, Santa Monica, CA 90404, www.DrPaoletti.com

Uzzi Reiss, MD, ObGyn, 310-247-1300
BHRT, Integrative Gynecology, Womens wellness, Anti-aging, Difficult conditions
414 North Camden Dr. Suite 750, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, www.uzzireissmd.com


Daved Rosensweet, MD, 1 888-270-0005  
BHRT, integrative gynecology, womens wellness
2316 Pine Ridge Rd #439, Naples FL 34109, www.rosensweetmd.com


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The information presented on this website is in no way intended as medical advice or a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning any new program or regimen. Your physician should be aware of all medical conditions that you may have, as well as the medications and supplements you are taking.

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